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Presenting Montpellier’s 8 winners of the France 2030 “Grande Fabrique de l’Image” competition

Information mise à jour le 29/06/23

The “Grande Fabrique de l’Image” (Great Image Factory) call for projects under the France 2030 plan distinguished Montpellier Métropole with 8 of the 68 winning projects.

Support through this call for projects positions the area at the heart of a highly dynamic cultural and creative industries (CCI) sector. “Following Montpellier’s selection to host the University Hospital Institute (IHU) dedicated to autoimmune diseases, with an endowment of no less than 20 M€, the greater Montpellier area is once again at the forefront of the France 2030 plan, with support for eight projects in our area. Companies, schools, and associations are working on ambitious projects with an open, responsible, and constructive mindset.

“These are the kinds of talents that Montpellier Métropole works hard to assist on a daily basis, and who know how to join forces to forge shared creative destinies. The Grande Fabrique de l’Image has given us the opportunity to showcase this local vitality, which has been in place for a number of years, and which today, with the announcement of the winners, has been given new momentum,” says Michaël Delafosse.

The complementary expertise of local stakeholders, cross-fertilization between sectors, technological innovation, and entrepreneurial and ecological responsibility are just a few of the many assets that have been integrated into the applications for La Grande Fabrique de l’Image to meet the growing industry demand associated with job creation and successful cooperative projects.

Montpellier Métropole is extremely proud to have won several awards in each of the program’s categories:
  • Film studios:
Pic Studio (Saint Gély du Fesc, Fabrègues, Pérols)
France TV Studio (Vendargues)
  • Animation / VFX studios:
Mathematic (Montpellier)
The Yard (Montpellier)
  • Video game studios:
The Game Bakers
  • Film schools and training:
Travelling (Montpellier/Sète)
  • Digital training:
Audio Workshop (Montpellier)
ArtFX (Montpellier)

The Grande Fabrique de l’Image call for projects greatly expands the scope of Montpellier Metropole’s nationwide ambition to support the region’s CCI players on a daily basis through a variety of initiatives, including commercial property availability and the emergence of an entire district dedicated to cultural and creative industries (la Cité Créative), funding for start-ups (Montpellier Métropole’s 3M Aid fund), support for business start-ups (Montpellier Game Lab, future CCI incubator, thematic incubation), support and coordination for the sector (ICONIC event, funding for professional associations), and much more.

This strategy is already producing results, as the CCI sector has seen considerable growth over the past few years, today employing over 3,000 people in almost 850 establishments.

“La Fabrique de l’Image” (Image Factory) call for projects

Growth prospects for the global animated image market (cinema/audiovisual, animation/VFX, video games) are looking highly optimistic for the coming years, driven in particular by the ongoing growth of distribution platforms. These platforms create new opportunities and provide a creative boost for players in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs).

The French CCI sector needs to embrace these changes. The “Grande Fabrique de l’Image” project, part of the France 2030 plan backed by the Caisse des Dépôts et consignations and the French National Center for Cinematography (CNC), reflects this commitment and is designed to engage national players in a drive to modernize content production tools, double production capacity, double the number of graduates and professionals trained, reduce the carbon footprint, and emerge as a leader in eco-production. The French industry’s international position is at stake, enabling it to preserve and even strengthen its cultural, technological, and creative sovereignty.
The “Grande Fabrique de l’Image” initiative has made sure that the development of film studios, digital studios, production facilities, and related training are major objectives in reinventing tomorrow’s creative tools in the Montpellier area and ensuring the region’s place in the international CCI landscape.