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Doing business differently: With the Social Cup, students get to invent social enterprise projects

Information mise à jour le 14/12/21

The Social Cup raises young people’s awareness about social entrepreneurship by encouraging them to work on projects together. Its 5th edition in Montpellier features group intelligence sessions and a “Creathon” from September to December 2019.

Morgane Muracciole (au premier plan) organise et anime La Social Cup à Montpellier.

Morgane Muracciole (facing) organizes and manages the Social Cup in Montpellier

On September 13, fifty students at Montpellier Business School got together in small groups to come up with solutions for an array of social and environmental issues. It was the kick-off for the Social Cup in Montpellier, an event that takes place in twelve regions in France. The Social Cup runs through February 2020, ending with a competition involving about 20 young participants, with prizes to be won.

The objective is to “raise their awareness regarding social entrepreneurship” before proposing projects to respond to the “issues that outrage them,” explains Manon Cretinon, Social Cup project leader for Makesense, an association that has created several different tools to support social entrepreneurship.

Montpellier Métropole provides support for the program by communicating about events, facilitating ties with local inclusion organizations, and participating in coaching for young people.

“Elaborating the most coherent and viable solution”

A second “emergence workshop” – the name given by Makesense to these collective intelligence sessions – was held at the Digital Campus on September 30 with about forty students. A third workshop is planned for October 22 at the Ionis 361 startup incubator. The workshops will be followed by a day dedicated to the Creathon event on November 23 at The Island co-working space.

Young people come without a project, or with a social enterprise project that they would like to develop,” explains Morgane Muracciole, who organizes and manages the Social Cup in Montpellier. “They offer many ideas, then get together with some project leaders to elaborate the most coherent and viable solution. Assistance is provided by managers and mentors with complementary expertise. This puts people in an entrepreneurial context and gives them confidence.” Just like last year, one of the mentors is a coach from Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole BIC.

Based in Paris, Makesense launched this program six years ago with Banque Postale and KissKissBankBank, a leader in crowdfunding. GRDF joined them in 2018. The goal in 2019 is to lead 90 workshops, film-debates, creathons, and more, throughout France to raise awareness about social entrepreneurship among 3,000 people under the age of 30.
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