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With Vik, Wefight helps sick people break out of their isolation

Information updated on 14/12/20

The startup created a virtual companion as a mobile application that improves the daily lives of patients with chronic diseases or cancer. Success has encouraged Wefight to expand its solution’s features and go international.

Photo des co-fondateurs de WeFight, Pierre Nectoux et Benoît Brouard @pierre_bruynooghe

Pierre Nectoux and Benoît Brouard, co-founders of Wefight @pierre_bruynooghe

Vik is the companion with an answer for everything. Wefight designed the solution based on their observation that people with chronic diseases or cancer are often unprepared to handle everyday issues. What’s the best way to talk about sickness with friends and family? How do you announce such a thing at work? What administrative steps need to be taken? How can you handle personal relationships? The list of potential questions is endless, and they are not just related to care and treatment. For some of the more sensitive questions, people may not even dare ask.

Much more than a conversation interface

That’s the whole point of Vik. Designed to help people break out of their solitude with respect to their illness, the Vik personal companion is much more than just a conversation interface. While the solution leverages databases and artificial intelligence algorithms, it also goes much further, configured to understand patients’ specific questions concerning different types of chronic diseases. In each case, the company’s work involves experts, doctors, patient associations, and more. Their joint effort enriches databases filled with reliable document resources and helps increase the relevance of answers provided to patients’ questions.

Over 30 diseases targeted

Available on iOS, Android, Facebook Messenger, and the Wefight website, Vik is currently available for patients with breast cancer, lung cancer, ovary cancer, asthma, migraines, and depression. A new version of Vik dedicated to atopic dermatitis was added in late October.

“Our goal is to expand our companion’s features to cover over 30 chronic diseases,” announces Benoît Brouard.

The company’s next step is to launch Vik with support for prostate cancer.

More fund raising on the horizon

Assisted by Montpellier BIC, the startup has undergone exponential growth since it was founded in 2017. Winner of the Next French Healthcare competition in June 2020, organized by Business France and Bpifrance, Wefight now has nearly 200,000 users in France. The company is now launching its activities abroad. Vik Asthma is available in Germany, Canada, Spain, and Italy. Wefight continues to hire in order to keep up with its expansion.

“We expect our staff to comprise 30 people by the end of 2020,” adds Benoît Brouard, who pays careful attention to team unity and corporate culture. “Our ethics and social purpose are shared by everyone in the company,” he highlights.

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